Michael J. Guralnick

University of Washington

He is Director of the Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD) and Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics at the University of Washington. Dr. Guralnick has directed numerous research, professional training, and development projects in the fields of early childhood development and intervention, with a special interest in the design and effectiveness of early intervention programs, peer-related social competence, and early childhood inclusion. He has published over 150 articles and book chapters spanning a range of topics and disciplines. Major research has included a randomized clinical trial to determine the effectiveness of a comprehensive early intervention program in promoting the peer-related social competence of young children with developmental delays and a multi-context investigation of the factors influencing the peer interactions and peer social networks of children with Down syndrome. Current projects focus on the further development and application of the Developmental Systems Approach to early intervention and international activities designed to integrate research and practice in the field of early intervention. He is the founder and Chair of the International Society on Early Intervention.